Sigmoid Function
Sigmoid Function

Sigmoid Function

Data Scientist
Machine Learning
Computer Science
December 19, 2024
Junkai Ji

Logistic Regression

In many practical scenarios, understanding the probability of an event is more critical than merely categorizing it. Logistic regression is a powerful and widely used technique for estimating such probabilities. These probabilities can be applied in two primary ways:
  1. Direct Usage: Treat the probability as a quantitative measure. For instance, if a spam filter assigns a probability of to an email, it indicates a 93.2% chance that the email is spam.
  1. Threshold-Based Classification: Convert the probability into a binary outcome (e.g., Spam or Not Spam) by applying a threshold, typically . This guide focuses on interpreting probabilities directly, leaving binary classification for a separate discussion.

The Sigmoid Function

notion image
At the heart of logistic regression lies the sigmoid function, a mathematical construct that maps inputs to values within the range , making it ideal for probability estimation.

Sigmoid Function Equation

The sigmoid function is expressed as:
  • When ,
  • When ,
  • The output is continuous and always falls between 0 and 1.

Sigmoid Function in Practice

The table below illustrates how the sigmoid function converts input values into probabilities:
Input (x)
Sigmoid Output (f(x))

How Logistic Regression Maps Inputs to Probabilities

Logistic regression achieves probability prediction by combining a linear model with the sigmoid function. This process involves two main steps.

Step 1: The Linear Model

The first step is computing a linear combination of the input features:
  • : Linear combination (also known as the log-odds)
  • : Intercept or bias term
  • : Weight of the -th feature
  • : Value of the -th feature

Step 2: Applying the Sigmoid Function

Next, the linear output zz is passed through the sigmoid function to produce a probability:
  • : Predicted probability of the positive class
  • : Linear output from the previous equation

Log-Odds and Probability in Logistic Regression

The linear term zz in logistic regression corresponds to the log-odds of the positive outcome. The relationship between probabilities and log-odds is given by:
  • : Probability of the positive class
Log-odds represent the natural logarithm of the ratio of the probability of success () to the probability of failure (1−). This interpretation links logistic regression to statistical models like the logit function.

Example 1: Detecting Spam Emails

A logistic regression model predicts whether an email is spam based on features such as word frequency, email length, and sender reputation.

Input Features:

  • : Frequency of the word “free”
  • : Length of the email
  • : Reputation score of the sender

Linear Model:

Prediction for Specific Input:

  • , ,
Interpretation: The email has a near-zero probability of being spam.

Example 2: Diagnosing Disease Risk

A medical model uses logistic regression to estimate the likelihood of a patient having a disease based on test results.

Input Features:

  • : Blood pressure
  • : Cholesterol level
  • : Age

Linear Model:

Prediction for Specific Input:

  • , ,
Interpretation: There is a 92.4% probability that the patient has the disease.